Grid-Interop 2007
Albuquerque, NM November 7-9, 2007

Grid-Interop 2007, sponsored by the GridWise Architecture Council, featured more than 90 speakers and 160 attendees from across the energy sector. During the forum, decision makers and electricity stakeholders worked together to assemble ideas and resources to ensure interoperability and leverage the GridWise framework as an organizing platform.
The Grid-Interop Forum enlisted industry involvement in defining actionable steps needed to facilitate the interoperation of the growing number of automation systems that manage the nation’s electric system. This meeting was designed to inform and engage public and private electric systems stakeholders in the integration issues associated with the increasingly complex, distributed automation systems that will be involved in system operations. The interface standards and codes needed to enable a more efficient, reliable, and resilient electric system were also discussed.
On April 11 and 12, 2007, the GridWise Architecture Council (GWAC) held a workshop with 45 experts in complex software system integration and interoperability to discuss & modify the Interoperability Framework document (PDF 805KB). The participants represented various aspects of the electric system including reliability coordination, electric power company automation, buildings automation, and industrial systems automation, as well as the information technology and communications that enable this automation. For more information and workshop results, please visit the GridWise Interoperability Workshop webpage.
The GridWise Architecture Council honored Albuquerque Mayor Martin J. Chávez and three research teams for their distinctive contributions in creating a more efficient, reliable and resilient electric system during Grid-Interop 2007 last week.
“Public support from elected officials and hard work from researchers across the energy sector are critical in realizing the GridWise vision of an efficient, robust and integrated electric system,” said Mc Gowan. “The individuals recognized at Grid-Interop 2007 demonstrate the type of foresight needed to modernize and expand America’s electric delivery system.”
The GWAC recognized:
- Albuquerque Mayor Martin J. Chávez, for his public support of the GWAC vision,
- Quantum Leap, Chief Science Officer, Apperson Johnson and his team for the paper “Rational Agents for Decentralized Environments,”
- Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Scientist, Don Hammerstrom, and his team for their paper “Appliance Interface for Grid Responses,”
- Cornice Engineering Vice President, Gary McNaughton, and his team for the paper “How NRECA’s MultiSpeak® Specification Supports Interoperability of Diverse Electric Grid Automation Systems“.
Attendees’ Background and Preparation

The information technology experts attending the workshop represented a broad range of backgrounds including business developers, decision-makers, and policy-makers, as well as technologists in system integration and interoperation. The attendees were asked to use the Interoperability Framework document (PDF 805KB) as a yardstick and address organizational, informational and technical challenges related to migrating existing systems and integrating new solutions.