Grid-Interop 2008
Atlanta, GA November 11-13, 2008

Grid-Interop 2008 was the second annual meeting addressing technical, business, and policy concerns related to developing an interactive electric system that allows all resources to participate in its effective operation.

With the passage of the Energy Independence Security Act (EISA) of 2007, in early 2008 the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) was assigned responsibility for developing a standards based interoperability framework in support of smart grid implementation. An important objective of the GridWise Architecture Council has been to support NIST in this effort. Accordingly, the GridWise Architecture Council (GWAC) and NIST jointly sponsored Grid-Interop 2008.
A paper from each track was selected that exemplified a message about interoperability and advanced ideas that close the “distance to integrate.”

- Defining Common Information Model (CIM) Compliance,” by Stipe Fustar (Power Grid 360) was selected from the Architecture Track for proposing a level of compliance ranking system that can improve planning integration efforts and encourage conformance to a semantic standard.
- “Enabling Cost-Effective Distribution Automation through Open Standards AMI Communication,” by Matt Spaur and Michael Burns (Itron), was selected from the Technology Track for excellent use of the GWAC Interoperability Context-Setting Framework to present the level of interoperability agreement in an area that can improve smart metering integration.

- “MultiSpeak®; and IEC 61968 CIM: Moving towards Interoperability,” written by Gary McNaughton (Cornice Engineering), Greg Robinson (Xtensible Solutions), and Gerald Grey (Consumers Energy) was recognized in the Business and Policy Track for reporting on harmonization of independent and overlapping standards in the electric distribution area that advances the integration and interoperation of a greater number of product offerings.