Grid-Interop 2009
Denver, CO November 17-19, 2009

This third annual Grid-Interop 2009, sponsored by the GridWise® Architecture Council (GWAC) and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), brought together nearly 500 industry, government, and consumer stakeholders to discuss the development, enhancement and implementation of the interoperable Smart Grid for the U.S. electric power system. The complete proceedings (PDF 18.68MB) are available for download including the individual papers and presentations.

Pat Gallagher, Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, was the keynote speaker for the opening session of the meeting. Director Gallagher noted the large increase in the number of participants and thanked the participants for their efforts and contributions to the development of smart grid interoperability standards.
Directed by the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, NIST has been coordinating “development of a framework that includes protocols and model standards for information management to achieve interoperability of smart grid devices and systems…” In collaboration with GWAC and wide range of stakeholders, draft report NIST Framework and Roadmap for Smart Grid Interoperability Standards, Release 1.0 (Sept. 2009) was developed.
As part of NIST activities to facilitate the creation of interoperable Smart Grid standards, the Smart Grid Interoperability Panel (SGIP) was formed with the membership’s ratification of the charter and by-laws on Monday, November 16, 2009. During Grid-Interop forum, candidates for the governing board of the panel discussed their qualifications. The governing board was elected by representatives of the SGIP’s more than 400 participating-member organizations, which are divided among 22 categories of Smart Grid stakeholders. Newly elected governing board was announced during the closing session. Meeting attendees participated in the discussions of priority action plans for the development of smart grid interoperability standards.
Bob Saint and Rik Drummond, current council members, were elected as representatives in category 7 (Electric utility companies) and category 20 (Testing and Certification Vendors) respectively to the SGIP’s governing board.
Grid-Interop continues to offer the opportunity to discuss new and innovative ways to improve smart grid interactions and to participate in actions that shape the future of interoperability. After opening comments, which provided updates on smart grid activities at the federal level from DOE and NIST and the local perspective in Colorado State, the foundational session’s three presentations given by Dr. Tim Schoechle; and the GridWise® Architecture Council members Rik Drummond and Ken Wacks; and GWAC Chairman Ron Ambrosio outlined the groundwork for Grid-Interop 2009.

A new element was introduced to the Grid-Interop Forum this year – an electronic poster session. This session included presentations covering a variety of smart grid interoperability topics. Presenters were available for one-on-one or small group discussions of their presentation material. Many meeting participants attended the poster session.
Accepted abstracts, all addressing ideas and proposals for interoperability advancement of the smart grid and implementation of the NIST’s Interoperability Roadmap, were combined into four tracks each containing four sessions. There were 57 presentations given during the panel sessions and 39 full technical papers were developed.
Best Paper Awards
In presenting the awards, GridWise® Architecture Council chairman Ron Ambrosio and administrator Ron Melton thanked all those involved in the workshop – Planning and Program committees and those who developed abstracts, papers, and presentations.
One paper from each track was recognized as follows:
“Business and Policy“:
– Don Hammerstrom for the paper “Standardization of a Hierarchical Transactive Control System“(PDF 105KB)
– Dave Bakken for the paper “Smart Grid Communica-tions: QoS Stovepipes or QoS Interoperability?” (PDF 388KB)
“Information Interoperability“:
– Dave Hardin for the paper “Interoperable Cloud Networking for a Smarter Grid” (PDF 157KB)
“On the Ground Experience“:
– James Mater for the paper “Creating a Smart Grid Interoperability Maturity Rating System” (PDF 241KB)
“Poster Session“:
– Rick Denker for the paper “Fostering Tools and Test Equipment for Smart Grid Interoperability” (PDF 73KB)

GridWise® Architecture Council Exhibit

A GridWise® Architecture Council display was put together to make participants aware of the recent and upcoming important events and GWAC mission as well.
Electronic copies of the Interoperability Benefits Papers were available for the attendees on the USB drive.
GWAC Call for Candidates was announced. Submissions will be accepted between November 30, 2009 and January 5, 2010. Please visit for more details.