Grid-Interop 2010
Chicago, IL November 30 – December 3, 2010

This fourth annual Grid-Interop 2010, sponsored by the GridWise® Architecture Council (GWAC) and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), brought together a broad audience from both government and the technical community, including key players from the energy utilities as well as the software, cable, semiconductor, telecommunications and electricity consumer sectors. As the birthplace of the Smart Grid Interoperability Panel (SGIP), Grid-Interop continues to focus on smart grid interoperability standards and technologies – defining the interoperability framework necessary for smart grid to flourish.
Since last year’s forum, the community has been very busy working with NIST and the Smart Grid Interoperability Panel (SGIP) to complete Priority Action Plans (PAPs) and to define and develop the standards that will help to implement an effective smart grid. This meeting would not have been possible without the support of our sponsors. These organizations recognized the importance of interoperability in re-vitalizing our electric power systems and demonstrated this through their support of this event.
The complete proceedings (PDF 14.67MB) are available for download including the individual papers and presentations.

GWAC Chairman Ron Ambrosio and NIST National Coordinator for Smart Grid Interoperability George Arnold welcomed participants, gave an overview of the activities to be conducted during Grid-Interop 2010 and highlighted the activities of the GWAC and SGIP. New to Grid-Interop 2010 was Face Time, a speaking opportunity designed to increase the number of topics and discussions. Held in conjunction with the Interoperability Fair, Face Time provided a high-visibility, yet intimate venue for presenting on topics relevant to the Grid-Interop audience.
During Grid-Interop 2010, the SGIP and Governing Board held meetings to foster greater collaboration and integration with ongoing GridWise Architecture Council (GWAC) activities and to advance the work of the SGIP in developing smart grid standards, addressing gaps, and harmonizing standards to incorporate evolving technology.
The SGIP was launched as part of NIST activities to facilitate the creation of interoperable smart grid standards and help NIST continue accelerated efforts to carry out responsibilities assigned to the agency by the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007. The act calls on NIST to “coordinate the development of a framework that includes protocols and model standards for information management to achieve interoperability of smart grid devices and systems.”

Since the creation of the SGIP in November 2009, much progress has been made. Last year was marked by several highlights, including January’s release and publishing of the NIST Framework and Roadmap for Smart Grid Interoperability Standards, the first birthday of the SGIP charter being approved, and the fourth Grid-Interop meeting in Chicago. The four day meeting, themed “Charting the Path toward Interoperability,” brought together key stakeholders from utility and power companies, standard development organizations, product designers, vendors, and the regulatory community to discuss ways to improve collaboration, cooperation, and establish interoperability. The meeting had over 60 sessions and 80 presentations, including those from international guests who presented on smart grid interoperability efforts in Japan and Korea.
Grid-Interop continues to offer an opportunity to discuss new and innovative ways to improve smart grid interactions, to participate in actions that shape the future of interoperability, and advance the Smart Grid Interoperability Roadmap from concept to reality.