Grid-Interop 2011
Phoenix, AZ December 5-8, 2011

Charting the Path Toward Interoperability
Held in partnership with the GridWise® Architecture Council and NIST, this fifth Grid-Interop event brought together a broad audience from both the government and the technical community, including key players from the energy utilities, software, cable, semiconductor, telecommunications and electricity consumer sectors. As the birthplace of the Smart Grid Interoperability Panel, Grid-Interop continues to focus on smart grid interoperability standards and technologies—defining the interoperability framework necessary for smart grid to flourish.
With the guiding principle of implementing interoperability through collaboration, Grid-Interop brings together a true cross-section of industry stakeholders to ensure rapid development and implementation of smart grid interoperability standards.
In 2011, our focus was on implementation progress to date – with a particular focus on demonstrating successes and progress. Grid-Interop creates dialogue among the key stakeholders shaping and driving the progress of standards development, including:
- standards development organizations
- businesses that use and implement these standards
- regulators that oversee the implementation of standards-based technologies
- product designers, system integrators, and consultants who put the standards to work in real-life applications.
In addition to providing a clear snapshot of industry developments around interoperability standards to date, Grid-Interop provides a unique opportunity and forum to have your voice heard at this most critical time.
The complete proceedings (PDF 2.15MB) are available for download including the individual papers and presentations.

Utility & Power Companies
- define the interoperability framework necessary for smart grid to flourish
- cover the architectural framework and tools currently in deployment by vendors, system integrators, and utility companies across the U.S. and internationally
- highlight success stories from early utility implementers in all areas of smart grid, including customer-facing advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) deployments, building-to-grid technologies, and even electric vehicles
- determine best approaches for achieving interoperability – from substations to customer devices
- highlight the consumer side of interoperability, from smart grid consumer data management, to privacy and reliability, to long-term customer interoperability challenges and solutions
- dive deeply into the most technical aspects of information modeling for interoperability.
Standards Development Organizations
- define the interoperability framework necessary for smart grid to flourish
- cover the architectural framework and tools currently in deployment by vendors, system integrators, and utility companies
- highlight success stories from early utility implementers in all areas of smart grid, including customer-facing AMI deployments, building-to-grid technologies, and even electric vehicles
- determine best approaches for achieving interoperability – from substations to customer devices
- dive deeply into the most technical aspects of information modeling for interoperability.

Businesses and Vendors
- define the interoperability framework necessary for smart grid to flourish
- discuss how to manage and uncover business opportunities from customer data, while balancing the need for privacy and reliability
- offer a critical venue for discovering direction and business opportunities within this tremendous smart grid opportunity
- provide an overview of current framework and tools being deployed by other vendors, system integrators, and utilities
- cover success stories from early utility implementers
- create networking opportunities from key players among utilities, software, cable, telecomm, electricity consumers and government and providing the only technical conference with this breadth.
Regulatory & Policy Community
- dives deeply into the consumer side of interoperability, from smart grid consumer data management, to privacy and reliability, to long-term customer interoperability challenges and solutions
- provides an overview of innovations in rate structures, regulatory policies, and tariffs to support a demand-responsive grid
- highlights success stories from early utility implementers in all areas of smart grid, including customer-facing AMI deployments, electric vehicle pilots, and more
- discusses cyber security, privacy, and information assurance and how those can be achieved through interoperable systems that are both flexible and secure
- defines the interoperability framework necessary for smart grid to flourish.

Product Designers, System Integrators & Consultants
- cover the architectural framework and tools currently in deployment by vendors, system integrators, and utility companies across the U.S. and internationally
- highlight success stories from early utility implementers in all areas of smart grid, including customer-facing AMI deployments, building-to-grid technologies, and even electric vehicles
- determine best approaches for achieving interoperability – from substations to customer devices
- dive deeply into the most technical aspects of information modeling for interoperability
- provide a critical venue for discovering direction within the tremendous smart grid opportunity.

Grid-Interop continues to offer an opportunity to discuss new and innovative ways to improve smart grid interactions and to participate in actions that shape the future of interoperability and to advance the Smart Grid Interoperability Roadmap from concept to reality.