
Ron Bernstein is president of RBCG, LLC providing consulting and engineering services to organizations… Read more

Ron is a senior technical executive and scientist with a focus on technology, business and policy issues… Read more

Kay Aikin is the Founder-CPO of Dynamic Grid, a software company based in Portland Maine… Read more

With two decades of experience designing, planning and leading electric system programs… Read more

David Forfia is a former Chair of the Gridwise Architecture Council where he has been a member since 2013… Read more

In my status as an independent consultant I am continuing to work in areas I began… Read more

Farrokh Rahimi is Executive Vice President; Market Design and Consulting at Open Access… Read more
Tanya Barham
Tanya’s management experience spans a wide variety of innovative and traditional energy applications including; coal and gas fired power plant operations, planning, maintenance, and uptime management for clients such as Salt River Project, Tucson Electric Power and Colorado Springs Utilities. She worked on geospatial management of ISO 140001 for Shell Petroleum Distribution in Iceland. Tanya also has helped develop energy efficiency and renewable energy startups including: scaling a nascent AirCarePlus HVAC tune-up technology and savings aggregation program that has delivered 350 trillion BTU savings to small to medium commercial buildings on behalf of investor owned utilities; and building the Solar 4R Schools renewable energy education startup that now serves over 200 schools nationwide and delivers over 1 MW of solar energy.
Jay Britton
Jay Britton is a 1967 graduate of Princeton University. He was a founder of ESCA Corporation in 1979, and of Xtensible Solutions in 1997, and served on the Board of Directors of both of those enterprises. He is currently Principal Architect with AREVA T&D Corporation. Mr. Britton is best known for his innovative work in computer applications for real-time power system operations. This work spans such subtopics as network analysis, power system modeling, application development tools, and systems architecture. He has been a regular participant in engineering forums and standards-making groups. In 1997, he was honored as a Fellow of the IEEE, "for contributions to software architectures and to applications in electric utility energy management systems."
Joseph M. Bucciero
Mr. Joseph Bucciero President, Bucciero Consulting is an industry consultant with more than 39 years of management, business, and technical experience in serving the electric utility industry. Mr. Bucciero was instrumental in strategically positioning KEMA to meet the needs of its electric industry clients, including protecting their data and infrastructure against cyber intrusions and attacks. Most recently, he worked with utility clients in helping them define their business cases and scenarios for Advanced Metering Infrastructure systems and the new Smart Grid technologies. Mr. Bucciero has extensive experience in planning and managing small- and large-scale computer system projects, leading strategic planning projects, analyzing utility operational requirements, identifying corporate functional and data needs, defining trouble call and customer information systems, assessing existing EMS/SCADA system capabilities, and planning potential system life extension or replacement opportunities. He also worked with EPRI to manage the control center application interface (CCAPI) initiative and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to explore the feasibility and develop the preliminary design and requirements of a North American Electric Infrastructure Security Monitoring System (NESEC) project. He is skilled in project management, contract negotiations, managing client and vendor relations, and providing engineering and computer system services that support his clients' corporate objectives. Mr. Bucciero is an active member of the newly formed Cigré Working Group D2.24 on EMS Architectures for the 21st Century, and is a Senior Member of IEEE. He is a graduate of Villanova University and a member of Who's Who Worldwide.
Robert B. Burke
Mr. Burke is a Principal Analyst in Market Development with ISO New England (the Regional Transmission Organization "RTO" for the New England control area). He has thirty-five years of experience in the energy industry. His experience includes the startup, operation and maintenance of fossil-fueled power plants, as well as energy and capacity trading. Since joining ISO-NE, he has held various positions and been involved with the development and subsequent on-going improvement of the wholesale energy markets and ISO-NE internal business procedures. He has been involved in the MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) seams process, which represented an agreement between the four Northeast ISOs (IESO, ISO NE, NYISO and PJM). In his present position, he works with market Participants regarding Demand Resource integration issues including development of market rules, operating procedures, and the associated systems and FERC filings.
Mr. Burke has been directly involved in the New England Demand Response programs since the 2000 summer program. As ISO-NE implemented Standard Market Design (SMD) on March 1, 2003, Mr. Burke worked on the melding of all the existing load response programs into New England's SMD. Since that time, Mr. Burke has been involved in the development and implementation of new Demand Response programs and ISO-NE's Internet Based Communication System Open Solution (IBCS-OS). The IBCS OS is used to dispatch demand response assets and provides near real-time telemetry data to ISO-NE on the individual demand response assets.L
Mr. Burke has a B.E. in heat and power from Stevens Institute of Technology, MBA and MS in Computer Science, both from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and has completed all examination requirements in Connecticut for a CPA. He is also a member of IEEE. He has made presentations at over two-dozen panel discussions and technical seminars, and authored or coauthored more than a dozen technical papers, including EPRI First Use.
H. Ward Camp
Ward Camp is vice president of regulatory and energy policy at Landis+Gyr North America, where he oversees regulatory and legislative matters. His focus spans the regulatory and policy aspects of changing electricity standards pertaining to smart metering and disaggregated electricity markets. For the first 17 years of his career he practiced law representing electric utilities, gas distribution companies and intrastate and interstate gas pipelines. During the last 13 years he has served as an executive dealing with advanced metering regulatory issues. He received his Juris Doctor from the University of Oklahoma.
David Cohen
David Cohen has over 20 years of management experience in the energy and software industries specializing in renewable energy, artificial intelligence, Internet-based energy technology software, and management consulting. He has developed numerous commercially available software platforms and is nationally renowned for his pioneering work in distributed energy.
David is co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Infotility, Inc. and is currently leading the development of a next-generation, intelligent agent-based software infrastructure for large-scale distributed energy communications and control solutions such as Powerparks, Microgrids, distribution network control, and demand response automation. He pioneered the development of a real-time publish/subscribe software platform for automating demand response and real-time information tracking of metered data implemented at APX, BP, Sempra, Cubic Defense, Roche Bioscience, Bank of America, the Stanford Linear Accelerator, and other clients.
He is co-author of EPRI's Electrinet Report: "An Advanced Communications Architecture for Facilitating Competitive Electronic Transactions in the Power Industry".
Prior to co-founding Infotility, David was VP of the Distributed Energy Products Division of Silicon Energy, a leading provider of enterprise energy management software and solutions. He managed the development and market launch of Silicon Energy's industry leading Distributed Energy Manager™ (DEM) product, a web-based software platform for networking, managing, and controlling distributed energy resources, part of Silicon Energy's EEM Suite™. While at Silicon Energy, David's division deployed the Distributed Energy software at major utilities and energy companies worldwide including DTE Energy, ABB, GPU, ConEdison, Pan Canadian, and Capstone Turbines. David was a founding team member at Silicon energy where he initially led the business development and marketing operations as Director of Business Development. He was instrumental in helping to grow the European and Latin American sales and markets working with clients such as Vattenfal, Enel, EDF, Provincial Electric Authority (PEA) of Thailand, and EletroPaulo. David helped to grow the organization to over 250 employees, was involved in raising over $40 million in venture capital, filing for IPO, and assisting in the sale and merger of Silicon Energy to Itron for $71 million. Prior to Silicon Energy, David was Principal of ICF Consulting in Washington, D.C, and held positions at Highland Energy Group, Architectural Energy Corporation, and The Joint Center for Energy Management. David is also founder of Grid7, an organization pursuing distributed energy
David cofounded the Colorado Renewable Energy Society (CRES), and served as Vice President of the Colorado Solar Energy Industries Association (COSEIA). He currently is on the GridWise Architecture Council and serves on the boards of Green Building Studio Inc., and Aura Renewable Energy Corporation.
Ron Cunningham
Ron Cunningham is an IT Enterprise Architect in the Enterprise Architecture and Strategy group at American Electric Power (AEP), focusing on: grid modernization architecture; IT/OT interoperability industry standards development and use; use of enterprise architecture frameworks, development and refinement of grid and IT architectural metamodels, system modeling, formal ontologies; enhancing cybersecurity and grid related telecommunication technologies and architectures.
Over his 44-year career in the electric utility industry, Ron has worked in various areas including: power systems analysis; economic dispatch algorithms development e.g. hydro thermal optimization; EMS/SCADA systems specifications; generation production and fuel forecasting; nuclear plant construction scheduling and project control systems; management of general engineering and CIS application development and support groups; computer, AI/neural network field experimenting, and telecommunications research and development; standards assessment and development in the OSI, IGOS, initial UCA development days.
For past 30 years Ron’s career has focused on: IT technical domains and enterprise architecture; Internet/intranet web-enabled services/support including firewalls/dmz deployment and support along with architecting in cybersecurity policies, procedures, risk mitigation measures; facility initial fiber/copper LAN design and deployments; enterprise wide business application, information, infrastructure requirements definition, architecting, design, acquisition/build/integration, deployment, and support as system admin. The last 10 years has been focused on internal AEP smart grid and grid modernization projects (AMI, DER, FLICR, VVO-CVR) with focus on feasibility and pilot/project selection including projected total-cost-of-ownership, telecommunication technology architecture designs including cybersecurity, project risk mitigation, business modeling.
This work also included active participation in external smart grid efforts e.g. UCAIug-OpenSG-SG Network TF deliverables, SGIP PAPs 01 and 02 deliverables including contribution to NISTIR 7761, other SGIP work groups e.g. Smart Grid Architecture Committee (includes standards reviews, ontology development, EA framework assessments, past chair), Technical Committee, Transactive Energy Coordinating Group, Grid Management (DERMS requirements), Grid 3.0 coordinating efforts and workshops, and an advisor/presenter and contributor on several research papers and reports in several EPRI research ICT program sets. Ron has double major Mathematics and Physics undergrad degree, with 2 years graduate work in Industrial Engineering – specialty in operations research system modeling and project economic evaluation/selection, and EIT certificate.
Paul De Martini
Paul De Martini is the Executive Director of the Pacific Energy Institute. Paul is a leading expert on the business, policy and technology dimensions of a more distributed power system. His extensive writings and consulting work have influenced industry transformation efforts in Australia, Canada, and across the US. Paul was previously the Chief Technology & Strategy Officer, Energy Internet of Things at Cisco Systems, and Vice President, Advanced Technology at Southern California Edison. He was a visiting scholar at Caltech (2012-2020), 2016 Cazier Resident Practitioner at Pardee RAND Public Policy School and Fellow at Wharton Business School (2003-2009). Paul holds an MBA, University of Southern California, BS, Applied Economics, University of San Francisco, and a Certificate in Technology Management from Caltech. He is a California state certified Electric System Operator and a senior member of IEEE-PES.
Rik Drummond
As the chief executive officer and chief scientist for Drummond Group Inc. (DGI), Rik Drummond has led the company's technical and research strategies while steering DGI to constant growth and innovation. He is a widely respected authority in the eBusiness industry and has been a driving force in the technical standards bodies and vertical industry groups supporting B2B commerce. Drummond also has been instrumental in the development of XML, EDI, EDI over the Internet (EDI-INT) and electronic messaging. Most recently, he serves as chairperson for "Secure EDI over the Internet (AS1 & AS2)," an IETF workgroup with more than 400 members, and leads the Work Group for the ebXML messaging standard, an initiative organized through the United Nations and OASIS.
He also serves as editor for the UN/CEFACT Technologies and Methodologies Work Group. His vision, business acumen and candor have made him a popular speaker at conferences worldwide and as an expert contributor for major publications on EDI/XML, EAI, eBusiness trends, architecture and B2B strategies. Before co-founding DGI, Drummond helped drive adoption for Internet enabled secure messaging, including consulting industry clients with standards development and architecture strategies. He was involved in electronic messaging and eBusiness as a network and software consultant for defense contractors and at Digital Equipment Corporation.
Albert Esser
President, Albert Esser LLC
Dr. Albert A Esser serves as President - AlbertEsser LLC since June 2009, Consulting and Services, focusing on Sustainable Energy Technology Solutions and Technology Management. He also is an advisor to Anzode, a HiTech Battery company; in addition he is the Chairman, Sustainable Technologies Committee at InnovateTexas, a nonprofit organization formed as a catalyst for collaboration and transactions among the state's academic institutions, businesses, investors and government enabling them to engage with the global economy more efficiently and effectively.
Dr. Esser was Vice President - Power and Infrastructure Solutions, Dell Inc. since Sept. 2007 until June 2009, responsible for Dell's Infrastructure Product line; in addition he is responsible for the global Power and Cooling Initiative enhancing Dell's enterprise class IT solutions providing insight gained from customers to the Server, Storage, Data Center Solutions and Services product leaders to maximize the value of the Dell solutions.
Dr. Esser received his Diplom-Ing. (MS) and Dr.-Ing (PhD) in Electrical Engineering from the University of Aachen, Germany in 1988 and 1992 respectively. He published a book on wireless transmission of electric power and signals for robots, 10 papers, received an Outstanding Prize Paper Award jointly from the IEEE/Industrial Application Society and the IEE Japan (1993), received a post Doc scholarship from the German Research Foundation (DfG), holds 12 US patents and received numerous company awards including GE's Dushman award, GE's highest ranking team award.
Tony Giroti
Tony Giroti is the Chairman and CEO of BRIDGE Energy Group, the Trusted Advisor and Implementation Partner in providing Smart Grid integration and Utility solutions to the Energy Industry. Mr. Giroti has extensive expertise in Power Systems Engineering, Enterprise Architecture, Application Integration and Business Intelligence. In addition, Mr. Giroti has over 23 years of experience in managing Information Technology products, platforms and applications. Most recently, he has been leading various Smart Grid and Demand Response initiatives with IOUs and T&D operators. He has also been involved in developing Smart Grid roadmap, Integration strategy and in launching Center of Excellence for Smart Grid, Integration and Distribution Automation. Previously, Mr. Giroti worked in the Telecom and Financial services industry as CIO and CTO, developing enterprise platforms and running large Business and IT transformation programs.
Mr. Giroti is a member of U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) GridWise Architecture Council (GWAC), a member of the board of directors of the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS) and a member of National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Smart Grid Architecture Committee (SGAC). He is an active speaker at conferences; is teaching courses in Compliance, Security and Governance; has written numerous white papers and has been granted 4 patents by US Patent and Trademark office in the areas of SOA/XML/IT platform - Patent numbers #7,751,347; #7,492,873; #7,369,540 and #7,061,928.
Mr. Giroti has also started two venture capital-backed global companies in the areas of Data Warehouse and Unified Communication. He took the latter one public. He is the former Chairman of the IEEE chapter, President of Power Engineering Society chapter, Chairman ISACANE and former President, CEO and Chairman of two technology companies. He is CISA certified from ISACA.
After completing his Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical Engineering, Mr. Giroti trained at Crompton Greaves Ltd. in Power Systems division designing large transformers. He also holds a Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering from The University of Massachusetts.
Jeff Gooding
Jeff Gooding is the IT Principal Manager of Smart Grid Engineering at Southern California Edison. In this role, he is responsible for managing Smart Grid architecture, communications and cyber security engineering teams in support of SCE's Advanced Technologies Organization and Smart Grid related capital projects.
In his prior work at SCE, Jeff served as the Lead Project Architect of the Edison SmartConnect Program, SCE's Advanced Metering Infrastructure project to deploy 5 million Smart Meters. Prio to joining the SmartConnect program in 2005, Jeff supported SCE's development of power procurement and nuclear software applications for the Energy Supply & Marketing (ES&M) department and San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS).
Prior to joining SCE in 2003, Jeff was a Senior Manager at Cap Gemini Consulting where he served in the Advanced Development & Integration division of the Utilities practice. He served as an architect and technologist on projects at the California ISO, Ontario IMO, Portland General Electric and PG&E. Earlier, Jeff was President of Rapid Access Systems (RAS), a software company focused on developing decision support applications. Jeff holds M.B.A. and B.S. degrees from California State Polytechnic University, Pomona.
Gerald Gray
Dr. Gray is a Senior Program Manager at the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) and leads the EPRI enterprise architecture and integration research. In this capacity Dr. Gray also participates in the development of industry standards as a member of International Electrotechnical Committee (IEC) TC57, MultiSpeak®, and IEEE organizations, is the technical lead on IEC 61968-5 Distributed Energy Resource Optimization standard, and contributes to the IEEE 2418 blockchain standard. He is also a member of the GridWise® Architecture Council and a Board of Directors Member of the Utility Communication Architecture International Users Group (UCAIUG).
Dr. Gray earned a Masters of Administrative Sciences in Managing Information Systems from the University of Montana and a Doctor of Philosophy in Organization and Management with a specialization in Information Technology from Capella University.
Erich Gunther
In Memory and Celebration of Erich Gunther -
Joseph Hagerman
Joseph Hagerman is the Deputy Chief Scientist for NRECA. Prior to joining NRECA, Joseph was a Senior Policy Advisor at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) Office focusing on building energy efficiency and new building technology development including building to grid, transactive controls, and transactive energy. Mr. Hagerman oversaw all of BTO’s grid integration activities, various negotiated federal regulatory and related matters, and new initiatives for the program – including all activities on smart and connected equipment, cybersecurity in buildings, and interoperability.
Before joining DOE, Mr. Hagerman was the project manager for the Building Technologies group at the Federation of American Scientists (FAS). At FAS, Mr. Hagerman conducted research in new building components while demonstrating these technologies in the public sector. His efforts helped address environmental and energy injustice in affordable housing.
Stephanie Hamilton
Stephanie L. Hamilton works on EPRI's Smart Grid Team focused on interfacing EPRI's IntelliGrid systems architecture across the power grid to create enhanced interoperability. Ms. Hamilton is also working with EPRI's Smart Grid demonstration team to show exemplary examples of Smart Grid by utility industry leaders. Previously she was in charge of Distributed Generation for Southern California Edison. Prior, she held a variety of ever-increasing managerial responsibilities in energy (natural gas, power, and fuels) including planning, operations, business development, consulting, and marketing & sales. These positions have been with some of the largest US electric and gas utilities and their unregulated subsidiaries, both private and public, throughout the Western States.
Ms. Hamilton holds an MBA, a BS in Mechanical Engineering, and is widely published on energy and energy-related issues, including Distributed Generation: A Non-Technical Guide and The Microturbine Generator Handbook.
Dave Hardin
Dave Hardin is Senior Director, SmartGrid Standards at EnerNOC in Boston, MA. He has more than 25 years of experience architecting, constructing and managing real-time automation and information management systems for energy and manufacturing. Dave specializes in software and communication architectures with a focus on systems integration and interoperability spanning from intelligent devices to enterprise business systems. Mr. Hardin holds a Bachelor of Electrical Engineering from the University of Delaware. He is a Registered Professional Engineer (DE/MD), an IEEE Certified Software Development Professional and a PMI Project Management Professional.
Doug Houseman
Doug Houseman has extensive experience in the energy and utility industry and has been involved in projects in more than 30 countries. He is routinely invited to speak at international events in the industry and has been widely quoted in a number of international publications. Doug was named part of the World Generation Class of 2007, one of 30 people in the global utility and energy industry so named. Doug was the lead investigator on one of the largest studies on the future of distribution companies and for the last five years has been working with more than 100 utilities and manufacturers, 50 governments, 5 international agencies/NGOs.
Amr Ibrahim
Dr. Amr Ibrahim is an applied economist with 20 years of experience in the energy and utility industries. He specializes in navigating energy issues related to restructuring, market design, regulation, pricing, tariff setting and operation of wholesale and retail energy and utility industries markets. He is a member of the International Association of Energy Economics.
Dr. Ibrahim has an experience in applied economics and regulatory policy in the energy sector at both wholesale and retail levels. Additionally, Dr. Ibrahim has been a conduit for the concerns of the residential customers and an advocate for their common interests in developing an efficient and effective interoperation of the systems, devises and institutions that encompass the nation's electric system.
Larsh Johnson
Larsh Johnson, is a founder, a Director and President and Chief Technology Officer of eMeter Corporation. Earlier, Mr. Johnson co-founded CellNet Data Systems, where he was Chief Technical Officer. Mr. Johnson provided CellNet's technology vision and patented the resulting system incorporating low cost wireless spread spectrum technology, industry-leading application of narrow-band wireless communications, and sophisticated client-server applications. Previously, Mr. Johnson was Director of Product Development at Interactive Communications Corporation, a video systems company, engineering manager at Digital Optics Corporation, and an electrical engineer at Systems Control Inc.
Mr. Johnson has a B.S. and M.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Stanford University.
Stephen Knapp
Mr. Knapp is Power Analytics’ Vice President of Quality Assurance & Energy Markets, overseeing and managing the company’s microgrid and DER systems design and integration solutions. Additionally, Mr. Knapp oversees and manages the company’s Quality Management System - Quality Assurance Program related to the ISO 9001:2015 Standards and NUPIC ASME NQA-1–2008 Standards. Mr. Knapp has been an electrical engineer and compliance officer in the energy sector for over 40 years. Prior to his position at Power Analytics, Mr. Knapp was employed with Power Generation Services, Inc., as Chief Compliance Officer in the Law, Compliance, and Business Ethics unit responsible for overseeing the company’s national compliance organization and the company’s national business ethics efforts. Additionally, Mr. Knapp served as Vice President of Regulatory Affairs, where he was responsible for managing compliance programs for the federal, state, and local EPA environmental RICE Rule initiatives, as well as FERC, NERC, and RTO/ISO market rules and oversight enforcement programs.
Prior to his work at Power Generation Services, Inc., Mr. Knapp was employed with Constellation Energy Group, as the Director of Operations. While at Constellation, Mr. Knapp oversaw, and was responsible for, transmission and generation operations, Wholesale and Retail market design and stakeholder operations, FERC and NERC regulatory and compliance oversight and program development, and DER and DR compliance oversight and market development. Mr. Knapp’s primary responsibility focused on compliance oversight and enforcement related interactions with NERC and the regional RTOs/ISOs.
Constellation Energy Group/Baltimore Gas & Electric Company (BGE) – Bulk Power System Operations, EHV operations of the Bulk Electric System for BGE within the Pennsylvania-New Jersey-Maryland Interconnection (PJM) region. Mr. Knapp managed BGE’s Generation and Transmission real-time operations as a certified Bulk Power System Operator. Mr. Knapp supervised the BGE Generation and Transmission Operators in their duties of operating the bulk power electric system. Mr. Knapp provided operational, technical, procedural, and incident management support to the control center on issues and events during the daily operation of the transmission system.
Mr. Knapp is a member of the GridWise Architecture Council (GWAC). His membership is from January 2015 to December 2020, and was an associate 2014-2015.
Mr. Knapp received the 2015 Lifetime Honor Award from the National Association of Distinguished Professionals.
Mr. Knapp received his B.S. in Electrical Engineering and a M.S.E. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Johns Hopkins University.
Mark Kerbel
Mark Kerbel co-founded Encycle Corporation, formally REGEN Energy, Inc., in 2005 and serves as its executive vice president of business development and Chief Technology Officer. Kerbel served as president of Encycle Corporation. Prior to forming Encycle Corporation, he served as a founding partner of the SPi Group, one of Canada's leading software solutions providers for the retail energy sector. Kerbel is a member of the OpenADR alliance. He has chaired and/or been invited to participate on a number of committees in the energy sector including the Electronic Business Transaction Standards Working Group of the Ontario Energy Board, the Technology Joint Sector Committee of the Ontario Energy Association, the Smart Meter Initiative of the Ontario Energy Board and the Regulated Price Plan Initiative of the Ontario Energy Board. He has been chairman of the board of Encycle Corporation. since March 22, 2012. Kerbel obtained his bachelor's degree in computer science from the University of Waterloo.
Lynne Kiesling
Lynne Kiesling is a faculty member of the Economics Department at Northwestern University, where she has been since 2000. Her research focuses on regulation, restructuring, retail competition, and technological change in the electricity industry; she performs experimental economic research in electricity markets, focusing on market design and regulatory policy, and communicates experimental economic research to policymakers to enhance understanding of market processes in energy industries. An author of over 30 professional economics articles, she is also a Faculty Member of the Northwestern Institute for Complex Systems (NICO) and a member of the GridWise Architecture Council. Dr. Kiesling has a B.S. in Economics from Miami University (Ohio) and a Ph.D. in Economics from Northwestern University. Her previous positions include Assistant Professor, College of William and Mary; Manager, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, Director of Economic Policy, Reason Foundation; and Senior Research Scholar, Interdisciplinary Center for Economic Science at George Mason University. In her past position at Reason Foundation, Dr. Kiesling performed research and writing on network industry regulation, focusing on energy markets and telecommunications, wrote and co-authored multiple policy research studies, policy briefs, and editorials on electricity deregulation, the California electricity crisis, and competition in regional and world oil markets, and was responsible for a monthly column on technology and e-government for Privatization Watch.
Ms. Kiesling has a Ph.D. in Economics from Northwestern University and a B.S. in Economics from Miami University.
Mark Knight
Mark Knight is an Emeritus Member and Emeritus Chair of the GridWise Architecture Council. Mark also served as GWAC Administrator when he worked for Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. He is also the Emeritus Chair of SEPA’s Transactive Energy Working Group. Mark’s background includes distribution, transmission, generation, metering, systems integration, deregulation, grid modernization, transactive energy systems, interoperability, resilience, and asset management. He has been a utility employee in the UK and the US, has also worked at research laboratories focused on the electric grid in the UK and the US, and is a currently a consultant with 1898 & Co., a part of Burns & McDonnell. Mark’s focus is through an asset management lens. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Asset Management, a Senior Fellow of the Asset Leadership Network, and also chairs COPRI’s subcommittee on resilience and sustainability. He is a registered asset management professional and is a member of the US technical Advisory Group, as part of ANSI’s responsibilities as the U.S. member body to ISO, where he is a member of TC 251 working on asset management standards.
Alexander Levinson
Alexander (Alex) R. Levinson is a Lockheed Martin Fellow with IS&GS in Valley Forge, PA. With 30+ years of practical experience, Alex is well versed in strategies for designing large-scale Information System architectures and their associated technology infrastructures. He has been a Certified Integrated Systems and Solutions Information Systems Architect (IISA) Architect since 1998 and currently chairing the IISA Communication and Networking tracks.
Alex has a Master of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from State Polytechnic University of St. Petersburg, Russia and is currently serving as Adjunct Associate Professor of Math and Computer Science with Drexel University in Philadelphia, PA. He works with the Faculty on matters of Computer Science curriculum development and teaches selective Computer Science courses.
Wayne Longcore
Mr. Longcore is the Director of Enterprise Architecture & Standards and Chief Architect for Consumers Energy; a Governance Board member of the Smart Grid Interoperability Panel and a Board of Directors member of the UCAIug. As a member of the "LA 15", he is a co-author of the model Smart Grid Roadmap.
As chief architect at Consumers Energy, Mr. Longcore's responsibilities encompass Information Technologies, Operational Technologies and Network Technologies. Wayne is currently the company's chief architect for the Smart Grid Program as well, with a stated goal of providing communications and control infrastructure for the evolving Smart Grid including Metering, Distribution modernization, Demand Response and Load Control.
Mr. Longcore is a member of the ZigBee alliance, the HomePlug alliance, and EEI. His team participates in or leads many areas of the nation's Smart Grid standards development. In addition, Mr. Longcore is a co-chair of the NAESB Smart Grid Task force, the SAP lighthouse council, the AMI enterprises task force, a member of the NEMA standards team on upgradeability, technical lead of the phy/mac & networking sessions in Washington DC for NIST and a member of the Open Smart Grid Technical Committee.
Wayne Longcore's position as the Director of Architecture and Standards for Consumers Energy places the responsibility of assuring that as an industry we reach an optimal Standards based Architectural direction. His work over the last 3 years has been almost solely dedicated to promoting a consistent vision, architecture and set of standards to foster the future of the smart grid.
James Mater
James Mater founded and has held several executive positions at QualityLogic, Inc. from June 1994 to present. He is currently Co-Founder and Director working on QualityLogic's Smart Grid strategy including work with GWAC, the Pacific Northwest Smart Grid Demonstration Project, Smart Grid Oregon, SGIP Test and Certification Committee, UCA’s OpenSG Conformity Work Group, the Transactive Energy Work Group and giving papers and presentations on interoperability. From 2001 to October, 2008, James oversaw the company as President and CEO. From 1994 to 2001 he founded and built Revision Labs which was merged with Genoa Technologies in 2000 to become QualityLogic. Prior to QualityLogic, James held Product Management roles at Tektronix, Floating Point Systems, Sidereal and Solar Division of International Harvester. He is a graduate of Reed College and Wharton School, Univ of Penn
Stuart McCafferty
Siemens – Infrastructure CTO Office
Provide utilities and technology companies with architecture, technology, and strategic consulting. Provide industry stakeholders with thought leadership and energy-related media content.
Michael McCoy
In Memory of Michael McCoy, GWAC Emeritus
Jack Mc Gowan
Jack Mc Gowan is President of Energy Control Inc. (ECI), an Energy Service Company and System Integrator specializing in value-based real-time offerings including performance contracting for public and private organizations. ECI's services merge traditional energy automation with e-commerce solutions that integrate multiple systems via the Internet. This allows customers to make decisions with real-time dynamic information from a myriad of sources to optimize facility, business and energy management. In 2003 ECI was named to the TOP 100 System Integrators in North America by SDM Magazine.
During his 20 year career in Industry and Government, Mr. Mc Gowan has been with Hydroscope Inc., USA, as Vice President of Marketing and Director with a technology company based in Albuquerque with research staff and business operations in the U.S. and Canada; Johnson Controls, Inc., as Business development manager working on energy, automation and water projects for educational institutions, state and municipal customers; Director, New Mexico Energy Conservation & Management Division (EMNR Department); Honeywell, Inc. as Market and Product Development Manager; and Corporate Energy Manager with a Fortune 500 retail firm.
Mr. Mc Gowan was named "International Energy Professional of The Year" in 1997 by the Association of Energy Engineers (AEE), and admitted to the AEE International Energy Manager Hall of Fame in 2003. He has been listed in Who's Who in the World (1999) and Who's Who in Science and Engineering, Millennium Edition and 1994-1995, 1996-1997 editions, Marquis / Reed Publishing.
Mr. Mc Gowan is a Certified Energy Manager (CEM), a Certified Lighting Efficiency Professional, a Certified Demand Side Manager, and a Certified Cogeneration Professional.
Jack Mc Gowan is the Chairperson of the GridWise Architecture Council.
Tracy Markie
With more than 25 years of experience in the electronics and control systems fields, Mr. Markie is considered an industry expert, as both an author and nationally recognized presenter. His résumé includes both technical and managerial positions held at Intel Corporation, National Semiconductor, United Technologies Norden Systems, and Tronix Corporation.
Mr. Markie founded Engenuity Systems in 1994, and currently serves as President. His leadership and vision allowed Engenuity to become one of the leading global distributors of networked-control devices. Engenuity currently represents over 20,000 products from more than 100 manufacturers around the world.
A devoted industry advocate, he serves as Chairman of the Board of Directors of LONMARK® International, a worldwide trade organization, as well as Chairman of the Board of Directors for LONMARK Americas, an affiliated U.S. based non-profit organization he helped found.
Recently, the Small Business Association named the Engenuity president "2008 Arizona Small Businessperson of the Year" and the Greater Phoenix Chamber of Commerce awarded Engenuity the "2007 Small Business of the Year." Other recognition includes the Edward Lowe Foundation's prestigious "50 Arizona Companies to Watch" and Arizona Small Business Development Center's "Success" Award winner.
Mr. Markie is very active within the business community and currently serves as a board member and/or advisor to several start-up businesses and actively gives back to the community through service, mentoring and volunteer work.
Mr. Markie holds an M.B.A. from University of Connecticut, a B.S. and an A.S. in Electrical Engineering Technology from the University of Maine.
Gordon Matthews
Gordon currently serves as the embedded Transmission representative within the BPA Office of Technology Innovation. This is his 23th year with BPA in a career that includes a range of assignments spanning the power marketing, corporate, and transmission business functions. As part of the OTI, he helps BPA focus its research dollars to best meet the needs and address the challenges of BPA, the Pacific Northwest and to seek collaboration opportunities with the research agenda of the US DOE.
All told, Gordon brings 33 years experience in the electric utility industry. His assignments include extensive work in power transmission and distribution (both OH and UG) and generation. He has participated in or managed over 350 projects relating to evaluation of utility system components and applications. Gordon has prepared and delivered seminars, developed workshops and short courses for EPRI and PTI in cable pulling fundamentals, based on accepted practices and his original research/testing and has numerous presentations to professional organizations to his credit.
Formally educated (Ga. Tech) and licensed in mechanical engineering (WA), his diverse experience extends beyond project design and management of the BPA Mechanical and Civil Laboratories to devising a standardized revenue forecasting platform for the BPA retail power sales hub, providing principal policy recommendations on strategic issues and establishing and implementing procedures and methodologies for economic analysis.
Nora Mead Brownell
Commissioner Brownell was nominated by President George W. Bush to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) on April 30, 2001. She was confirmed by the United States Senate on May 25, 2001, for a term that expired June 30, 2006.
Ms. Brownell's tenure at the FERC reflects her longstanding and unwavering commitment to fostering competitive markets to serve the public interest. She championed the development of independent transmission organizations for wholesale power, which now represent the electricity market structure serving two-thirds of the U.S. $10 trillion economy. As a leading advocate of responsive and effective independent board governance at RTOs and corporations, Ms. Brownell is a strong proponent of FERC policies that promote investment in national energy infrastructure development.
In her travels throughout Eastern Europe, China, Brazil and other countries Ms. Brownell consults with industry and government officials on the restructuring of energy markets and the creation of independent regulatory commissions. She co-chaired the first meeting of the EU/US regulators in 2000 to foster a transatlantic energy dialogue. She was also active in the creation of ERRA, an organization of Central Eastern European and Eurasian countries working to establish independent regulatory commissions and cross border discourse. She has continued to participate actively with these organizations in addition to her regular work with the World Energy Forum. She has also presented at a number of International Investment Conferences.
Prior to FERC, Ms. Brownell served as a member of the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC) from 1997 to 2001. During her time at the PUC, Ms. Brownell took an active role in the rollout of electric choice in Pennsylvania. In addition to her work in establishing the framework for one of the most successful retail electric markets in the country, Ms. Brownell was a leader in the administration of Pennsylvania's Electric Choice Consumer Education Program.
She has actively supported Pennsylvania's pursuit of competition in the local markets for telecommunications, deployment of advanced services, enhancement of services to rural areas, protection of consumers, and advancement of special services. Ms. Brownell has helped craft unique solutions to a number of these industry issues. Prior to her appointment to the Pennsylvania Commission, she was Executive Director of the Regional Performing Arts Center in Philadelphia, a $200 million arts and economic development initiative.
Commissioner Brownell previously served as the Senior Vice President for Meridian Bancorp, Inc.'s Corporate Affairs Unit. Prior to joining Meridian in 1987, Commissioner Brownell was Deputy Executive Assistant to former Pennsylvania Governor Richard Thornburgh. Commissioner Brownell is the former President of the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC).
Ms. Brownell is currently principal of BC Strategies and serves on the boards of ONCOR, Converge, Leaf Clean Energy Company and Spectra Energy Partners. Previously, Ms. Brownell served on the Boards of Millennium Bank, Times Publishing Company, Foundation of Architecture, Philadelphia Free Library, and the Philadelphia Regional Performing Arts Center. In addition, Ms Brownell has lectured at the Vermont Law School's Center for Energy and the Environment, the Michigan State University Institute of Public Utilities and at The University of Idaho, Warton Energy Club, among others.
Commissioner Brownell is a native of Erie, Pennsylvania, and attended Syracuse University.
Russell Robertson
Russell Robertson is Senior Manager, Control Systems, for the Tennessee Valley Authority. He has more than 30 years experience in the electric utility industry and directs TVA's power operations Information Technology - from architecture to performance assurance of real-time operational systems. His key focus over the past 5 years has been on the integration and interoperability of systems that support NERC balancing, transmission operator, interchange, and reliability coordinator control room functions.
Mr. Robertson holds a Master's of Science Degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Tennessee with curriculum specialization in power and control systems. He sits on the ISO/RTO Information Technology Committee. He has also served as an Adjunct Professor at both The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga and Chattanooga State Technical Community College.
Bob Saint
Bob graduated from Wichita State University in Wichita, Kansas, with a BS degree in Electrical Engineering. Since graduating from college, he has worked for electric utilities in Texas (2 ½ years) and Colorado (22 years) in the engineering and engineering management area. He worked for Tri-State G & T for over 5 years doing primarily substation design and 17 years with two distribution co-op's primarily as engineering manager.
He is a Professional Engineer in Texas and Virginia and a senior member of IEEE. He is chairman of the IEEE P1547.2 (Application Guide for IEEE 1547 Standard for Interconnecting Distributed Resources with Electric Power Systems) Working Group, IEEE P1547.7 (Draft Guide to Conducting Distribution Impact Studies for Distributed Resource Interconnection) Working Group and IEEE PES Distributed Resources Integration Working Group.
Bob has been with NRECA for over 7 years. His primary role is technical advisor for the T&D Engineering Committee. The subcommittees he works with are: Power Quality and System Planning. He is also involved as a technical representative for Smart Grid and the Program Manager for the MultiSpeak® software integration initiative.
Heather Donaldson
Heather Donaldson was appointed by California Governor Jerry Brown in August 2017 to serve as a special advisor at the California Public Utilities Commission. In this role Ms. Donaldson helps advance the Governor’s energy and environmental agenda by advising the commission on technical matters. She acts as the interconnection ombudsman helping facilitate interconnection of distributed energy resources. Previously, Ms. Donaldson was principal manager of integrated grid strategy and engagement at Southern California Edison. Within electric system planning, her team is focused on planning the subtransmission system, environmental licensing, and strategic engagement to promote grid modernization. Previously, she held multiple roles at the California Independent System Operator in regulatory policy and smart grid technology and strategy. While at the ISO, she jointly led several road mapping efforts with the CPUC and CEC. These roadmaps outline needed actions to advance California energy and environment objectives with publications focused on Energy Storage, Demand Response and Energy Efficiency, and Vehicle Grid Integration. Prior to the ISO, she worked in the software and consulting business including Accenture, APX, and the Structure to help facilitate wholesale energy market participation. Ms. Donaldson is a member of the DOE Electricity Advisory Committee and GridWise Architecture Council and serves on the committee for DistribuTech. She holds a BS in Electrical Engineering from South Dakota School of Mines & Technology and a MBA from the University of Utah.
Richard Schomberg
Richard Schomberg, VP Research EDF International, grew up in a French American environment. Master of Sciences of Ecole Superieure d'Electricite, he has been holding many management positions for 25 years at EDF R&D. In 1980, he created a start up company designing microcomputer software distributed for the first time in French bookstores (revenue 6M$ over 18 months). He has been Professor of System Engineering at Ecole Superieure d'Electricite for 6 years, and Chair of Intelligrid Architecture and Strategy Committee.
He is presently President elect at IEC (World Standard Organization) in charge of "System aspects for energy delivery", member of the Technology Advisory Board of the Southern California Edison AMI project, and Chair of Intelligrid Distribution. He has the responsibility of EDF R&D activities in North America. He designs and negotiates strategic innovation partnerships in priority with the Electric Power Research Institute (Palo Alto), National Laboratories, Universities and scientific/technical innovation players.
Alison Silverstein
Alison works independently with a variety of private and federal clients, providing advice, research, and writing on strategic, marketing and regulatory matters. Public speaking on electric transmission, electric reliability, energy efficiency, energy policy, and more. Her recent work includes:
Co-author of U.S. Department of Energy report, "The Value of Economic Dispatch" (11/05)
Editor of U.S. Department of Energy report, "The Benefits of Demand Response" (2/06)
Author of report by the ISO-RTO Council, "The Value of Independent Grid Operators" (11/05)
Author of a chapter on energy infrastructure security issues for upcoming book on homeland security and critical infrastructure, edited by Richard A. Clarke
Author of unreleased U.S. Department of Energy report, "Preparing for the Next Blackout Investigation" (completed 5/05)
Speeches including 2005 LSI New England conference on energy infrastructure security issues, Western Energy Coordinating Council 2005 Mid-C conference on transmission prospects, National Association of Energy Service Companies 2005 conference, World Energy Engineering Conference 2005 keynote on national energy policy, ACEEE 2004 Summer Study keynote on reliability and energy efficiency, Quanta 2004 and 2005 Utility Perspectives conferences, facilitator for George Mason University 2005 workshop on energy infrastructure and cost recovery, U.S. Combined Heat and Power 2004 on regulatory issues, U.S. Department of Energy Gridworks workshop on regulation and R&D, Gulf Coast Power Association on market power, Bonneville Power Administration's 2004 "Energizing the Northwest" conference, and testimony at FERC 2006 technical conference on demand response.
Alison has a MBA, Stanford University; MSE, Systems Analysis and Economics, The John Hopkins University, Department of Geography and Environmental Engineering; and a BA, Economics, The John Hopkins University.
Thomas Sloan
Mr. Sloan is a retired member of the Kansas House of Representatives (1995-2019). His activities as a state representative include serving as Chairman of the Vision 2020 Committee and as a member of the Energy & Utilities and Government Efficiency & Technology Committees. His primary policy areas are renewable energy, electric transmission, water quantity and quality, telemedicine. In addition to his work as a Kansas Legislator with the FERC and DOE, Mr. Sloan also has positions of leadership within two legislative professional associations - The Council of State and the National Conference of State Legislatures.
As the only state legislator on the DOE's Electricity Advisory Committee (EAC), Mr. Sloan has provided counsel to the Obama Administration on such issues as Smart Grid, energy storage, and the need for a more robust national transmission grid. As a result of the contacts and information gained in that process, other members of the EAC to Kansas were brought to meet with the Kansas Corporation Commission and discuss policies to be adopted administratively and legislatively. Mr. Sloan is also the only state legislator on the National Wind Coordinating Collaborative (NWCC), a consensus-based group addressing impediments to wind energy development - including transmission constraints and policy impediments.
Mr. Sloan received his Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1974.
Vito Stagliano
Director of Research, National Commission on Energy Policy.
Formerly a Federal executive, Vito served most of his public service career in the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), initially as Special Assistant to the Secretary, subsequently as head of the Policy Integration Office, and finally as Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy Analysis. He assisted in the analyses and design of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 and the Energy Policy Act of 1992. He oversaw the analyses conducted by the DOE national laboratories that led to the promulgation of the first Federal climate change policy. Stagliano subsequently held the position of vice president for transmission strategy at the Calpine Corporation.
Jeffrey Taft
Jeff is the Chief Architect for Electric Grid Transformation at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. As a member of the Energy and Environment Directorate, he is responsible for development and articulation of large scale architecture for grid modernization, as well as support of many cross-cutting activities at the Laboratory, including the Future Power Grid Initiative, advanced computing, and the Control of Complex Systems Initiative. He began working in the grid modernization area in 2001 and has held smart grid chief architect roles with Cisco, Accenture, and IBM. Jeff formerly worked for Westinghouse and has participated in several key smart grid projects since he first began to develop sensor architectures and analytics for distribution grids, and then became involved in the larger issues of end-to-end grid integration and control. Jeff earned a PhD in Electrical Engineering from the University of Pittsburgh with a dual specialization in digital signal processing and digital control systems in 1986. He is a member of the IEEE Power and Energy Society, and the GridWise Architecture Council and is the holder of 23 patents in control systems, signal processing, and grid modernization.
Wade Troxell
Wade Troxell is currently the Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering and the Associate Department Head of Mechanical Engineering at Colorado State University. At CSU he is also the Director of the Center for Networked Distributed Energy, the Interim Coordinator of the Biomedical Engineering Program, and the Director of RamLab (Robotic and Autonomous Machines Laboratory).
Mr. Troxell is the holder of many awards and honors, including the Qwest Dex Excellence in Education Award in recognition of helping to shape the future of education, the Angel Quest Economic Impact Award presented by the Fort Collins Virtual Business Incubator, and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Distinguished Service Award.
Mr. Troxell holds a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, an M.S. in Mechanical Engineering, and a B.S. in Engineering Science, Bioengineering option, all from Colorado State University. He is also an Engineer-in-Training in the State of Colorado.
Don Watkins
Since 1981, Don Watkins has worked in various positions for the Bonneville Power Administration, including a Field System Protection and Control Engineer, an Operations Engineer (Studies, Procedures, Dispatch support), an Operations Engineering Supervisor, Manager of Technical Operations (Operations Engineering, Control requirements, Operations Data, etc.), Manager of Operating and Scheduling Practices, and Special Short Term Assignments including RTO Coordination, Aug 14 Blackout Investigation, BPA ATC (transmission inventory) Manager, and Scheduling support.
Mr. Watkins chaired the August 10, 1996, Blackout Disturbance Team, which analyzed and reported on the disturbance. It was unprecedented in scope and impact on the way grid reliability was looked at. He also chaired the WECC Information Management Committee during this time which included membership on the Joint Steering Committee. This group made many decisions and developed responses in the aftermath of the Blackout.
Mr. Watkins founded and chaired the Northwest Power Pool (NWPP) Coordinated Outages Group. This group worked in coordination with key stakeholders to develop a successful process and systems to coordinate all outages in the NWPP area that could impact transmission capabilities so that the market, maintenance functions, and operators could have participation and predictability at least a month ahead of a month that significant outages would occur in.
Mr. Watkins holds a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Washington.
Kenneth Wacks
Dr. Kenneth Wacks has been a pioneer in establishing the home systems industry and a management advisor to 150 clients worldwide. His business spans home and building systems, utility customer services, and digital entertainment networks (including HDTV and IPTV). Clients seek his help to locate strategic business partners, financing, and new customers. He also provides due-diligence for investors and expert witness services for litigants.
The Consumer Electronics Association chose Dr. Wacks to chair the international committee (ISO/IEC) establishing standards for home and building systems and energy management. He proposed and edited the world standard for residential energy management incorporating demand response, renewables, and storage. In addition, he has written American National Standards for home automation.
Dr. Wacks chairs the Editorial Advisory Board of the CABA magazine iHomes & Buildings and is a featured contributor under the byline "Ken Wacks' Perspectives."
Dr. Wacks received his Ph.D. from MIT as a Hertz Fellow and studied at the MIT Sloan School of Management.
Eric Wong
Eric Wong is presently a Manager of Business Development and Government Relations for Cummins Power Generation. Through 2002 and 2003, he was the General Manager of cogeneration sales for Cummins West, the distributor for northern California and Hawaii. During the last four months of 2002, Eric was on loan to the Chairman's Office of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission as their First Technology Fellow. He held several in-house seminars on the technical and environmental aspects of distributed generation, communication and control technology, and interconnection issues.
As 2003 Co-Chair of the California Clean DG Coalition, Eric helped lead DG industry companies to obtain favorable DG rules before regulatory agencies. He was the first Chair of the California Alliance for Distributed Energy Resources (CADER) (1996-1998). He led CADER to advocate that proceedings be initiated by the California Air Resources Board (Air Quality Implications of DG), California Public Utilities Commission (DG Rulemaking), and the California Energy Commission (Interconnection -- Rule 21).
Mr. Wong worked previously with the Electric Power Group of Caterpillar Inc. Prior to joining private industry, Eric was an Assistant Executive Director and Principal Advisor to the Chair and Vice Chair of the California Energy Commission. Eric was also with the Western Area Power Administration as Director of Power Contracts, Resources and Conservation. He holds a Master of Science degree in Environmental Management from the University of Hawaii.
Carl Zichella
Carl Zichella directs NRDC's ongoing effort to make the siting of renewable energy transmission in the West more efficient and environmentally responsible. Working with stakeholders from environmental organizations, renewable energy companies, regulatory agencies, and the general public, he crafts solutions that will help accelerate clean energy development while respecting wildlife and habitat. Zichella served in various leadership capacities at the Sierra Club for 23 years prior to joining NRDC. In November 2013, he was appointed to the U.S. Department of Energy's Electricity Advisory Committee. He is a member of the Gridwise Architectural Council and the Western Electricity Coordinating Council's Transmission Expansion Planning and Policy Committee. He works out of NRDC's San Francisco and Sacramento office.