The GWAC Transactive Energy Systems Conference

The GWAC Transactive Energy Systems Conference
June 12-15, 2018 Cambridge, MA
The GridWise® Architecture Council convened the Fifth International Conference and Workshop on Transactive Energy Systems at MIT in Cambridge, MA on June 12 – 15 2018.
Explore Evolving Approaches for Implementing Transactive Energy
Thank you for making the 2018 Transactive Energy Systems Conference a success!
Imagine a conference that brings together representatives of government, industry, utilities, vendor organizations and academia who are striving for the value revolution of intelligent electricity. That’s what the Transactive Energy Systems Conference is all about.
Transactive Energy refers to the use of economic or market-based constructs to manage the grid’s electricity generation, consumption, and flow.
Transactive energy systems are receiving increasing interest from utilities, regulators and microgrid providers. They are on the agenda at every grid modernization event, but this is the only conference where you can focus on learning all there is to know about transactive energy and how to make it a reality.
While attendees sat among the best and brightest in the transactive energy community, they heard fascinating keynote presentations and actively participate in interactive discussions with energy experts.
Attendees at the Transactive Energy Systems Conference (TESC) learned about:
Business Models & Value Realization
System Design & Architecture
Regulatory & Policy Considerations
As a service to the industry, GWAC has made available all of the seminars and panel discussions here. Below you will find the sessions by day and topic along with the PDF of the presentation slides and the MP3 audio of the seminars. Note that the panel discussions contain multiple speakers and multiple PDF presentations within one audio file.
If you’ve heard of transactive energy systems, but aren’t sure how they work or where they’re headed, this is the tutorial for you. The Transactive Energy 101 tutorial is designed for technical and non-technical backgrounds and will give an overview of transactive energy systems and discuss the opportunities and challenges that they present. The tutorial is applicable for a broad range of backgrounds including those with experience in regulatory, utility, solution design, or building management areas.
June 12, 2018 8:00-11:00 | Add On: Pre-Conference Tutorial: Transactive Energy 101 |
Transactive Energy SystemsTutorial Part 1 | SPEAKERS Ron Bernstein CEO, RBCG Consulting Tanya Barham Director of Operations, PECI Ron Melton Director, SmartGrid Demonstration Project, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory |
Transactive Energy SystemsTutorial Part 2 | SPEAKERS Ron Bernstein CEO, RBCG Consulting Tanya Barham Director of Operations, PECI Ron Melton Director, SmartGrid Demonstration Project, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory |
PNF | SPEAKERS Ron Bernstein CEO, RBCG Consulting Tanya Barham Director of Operations, PECI Ron Melton Director, SmartGrid Demonstration Project, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory |
SEPA’s Chief Innovation Officer, Sharon Allan, will be joined by the Gridwise Architecture Council (GWAC)’s Chair, David Forifa and the Administrator of GWAC Mark Knight, to welcome attendees to the conference.
Jun 12, 2018 12:30-1:15 PM | Welcome and Opening Remarks |
Thank You note | Sharon Allan Chief Innovation Officer, Smart Electric Power Alliance |
Thank you Note (Audio File) | Sharon Allan Chief Innovation Officer, Smart Electric Power Alliance |
The Kresge Auditorium | Mark Knight Chief Engineer in the Integration Team of the Energy and Environment Directorate, Electric Infrastructure Group, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory |
Welcome | David Forfia Director of Enterprise Architecture, Electric Reliability Council of Texas | Panel Questions | Session Questions |
This session discusses the origins of the New York Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) and the future of the initiative.
Jun 12, 2018 1:15-1:40 PM | Opening Keynote: New York REV, Past and Future |
REV and Grid Modernizationin New York: Progress andEarly Lessons Learned | Jim Gallagher Executive Director, New York State Smart Grid Consortium (NYSSGC) |
REV and Grid Modernizationin New York: Progress andEarly Lessons Learned (Audio File) | Jim Gallagher Executive Director, New York State Smart Grid Consortium (NYSSGC) |
Professor Jim Kirtley will describe the origins of transactive energy in the concepts developed in the 1970s by MIT for homeostatic control. Professor Maria Ilic will provide an overview of current MIT research in the area of transactive energy.
Jun 12, 2018 1:40-3:00 PM | MIT and the Origins of Transactive Energy |
Homeostatic Utility Control | Jim Kirtley Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Homeostatic Utility Control | Jim Kirtley Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Transactive energy research at MIT | Marija Ilic MIT Visiting Professor, Carnegie Mellon University Professor of ECE and EPP |
This plenary will feature several members from the GridWise Architecture Council (GWAC) discussing changes to the Transactive Energy Framework. Since the framework’s first publication in 2013, there have been significant developments in the transactive energy space. Council members will discuss these key changes and how the Transactive Energy Framework continues its evolution.
Jun 12, 2018 3:30-5:30 PM | GWAC Foundational Session: Revisiting the TE Framework |
Audio File | MODERATOR Mark Knight Chief Engineer in the Integration Team of the Energy and Environment Directorate, Electric Infrastructure Group, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory |
GWAC FoundationalSession | SPEAKERS David Forfia Chair, GridWise Architecture Council Director of Enterprise Architecture, Electric Reliability Council of Texas |
GWAC FoundationalSession | Ron Ambrosio Co-Founder & Chief Scientist, Utopus Insights |
Chris Irwin will discuss the changing nature of the power grid and how the U.S. Department of Energy see the potential impacts of these changes. Mr. Irwin will describe recent and current work sponsored by the DOE and offer personal observations about the role of transactive energy systems.
Jun 13, 2018 8:30-9:30 AM | Plenary Keynote: Transactive Perspectives from the Department of Energy |
Audio File | Chris Irwin Program Analyst, Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability, US Department of Energy |
What are the business and policy aspects that are needed to guide the transactive energy transition? Panelists will discuss the necessary actions policymakers must take to enable transactive energy as DER proliferation increases, as well as how to align policy and regulatory measures to establish a convergence of architectural and energy marketplace changes. The discussion will also focus on various stakeholders, their roles in transactive energy, and how their business models could evolve to provide and realize value over time.
Jun 13, 2018 9:30-10:30 AM | Business & Policy Panel: Transactive Energy for Policymakers |
---|---| Business & Policy Panel Questions | MODERATOR Leonard Tillman Partner, Balch & Bingham LLP | Business & Policy Panel Questions (Audio File) | MODERATOR Leonard Tillman Partner, Balch & Bingham LLP |
Sharon Thomas Senior Analyst, Research, Smart Electric Power Alliance |
Creating a Transactive Energy PlatformCreating a Transactive Energy Platform | Daniel Payares Luzio Project Manager, New Energy Solutions, National Grid |
DSO + Transactive (DSO+T) Simulationand Analysis Study | Rob Pratt Distribution & Demand Response Business Line Manager, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory |
PNF | Paul Heitmann President, Businovation, LLC |
While there is broad agreement on the conceptual scope of transactive energy systems, there are a variety of approaches to how to implementation should occur. This panel will focus on the system design and architecture decisions that have been used for early transactive energy systems, delve into the changing cyber-physical needs of both the transactive and non-transactive elements of the grid, and finally discuss the evolving requirements that are essential as the grid becomes smarter on both sides of the meter.
Jun 13, 2018 11:00-12:00 PM | Design & Technology Panel: Reaching Agreement on Transactions |
PNF | MODERATOR Ron Ambrosio Co-Founder & Chief Scientist, Utopus Insights |
Design and Technology Panel (Audio File) | MODERATOR Ron Ambrosio Co-Founder & Chief Scientist, Utopus Insights |
PNF | Don Hammerstrom Senior Research Engineer, Battelle - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory |
PNF | Mark Paterson General Manager Consumer Energy, Horizon Power |
PNF | Killian Tobin CEO,Senior Scientist Smart Electricity Grids, Omega Grid |
PNF | Koen Kok TNO |
This plenary session will include regulators and staff from the Northeast. The session will be moderated by Ellen Anderson who is the Executive Director of the University of Minnesota’s Energy Transition Lab and was chair of the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission in the past. The panel will discuss topics relating to distributed energy resource proliferation and how this is transitioning the role of the customer from a passive to more active role.
Jun 13, 2018 2:00-3:30 PM | Regulator Plenary - Customers as the Ultimate Regulator(s) |
Regulatory Plenary | MODERATOR Ellen Anderson Executive Director, Energy Transition Lab, University of Minnesota |
Regulatory Plenary(Audio File) | MODERATOR Ellen Anderson Executive Director, Energy Transition Lab, University of Minnesota |
Guiding the future of Rhode island's electrical grid | Macky McCleary Administrator for the RI Division of Public Utilities and Carriers, Rhode Island |
Ted Kelly Assistant Counsel, New York State Department of Public Service | |
Ed McNamara Director of Policy and Planning, VT Department of Public Service | |
Kerry Worthington Senior Program Manager, NARUC |
Mr. Hill discusses energy storage and the collaboration between Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, National Grid, and the Department of Energy
Jun 14, 2018 9:30-10:30 AM | Keynote: Grid Modernization and Energy Storage |
The Changing Face of the Electric Grid | Terron Hill Director of Transmission Network Strategy, National Grid |
The Changing Face of the Electric Grid (Audio File) | Terron Hill Director of Transmission Network Strategy, National Grid |
In 2016, the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) noted that about 40% of total U.S. energy consumption was from residential and commercial sectors, mostly building related. This panel examines how buildings can be integrated with the grid, how blockchain consensus algorithms may be adapted to value control, and the possible role of information as a service. The panel also discusses a municipal aggregation pilot that includes the integration of local distributed energy resources behind the meter.
Jun 14, 2018 1:30-2:30 PM | Business & Technology Panel: Valuing DER and Unbundled Services |
Business &Technology Panel | MODERATOR Stephen Knapp Vice President, Quality Assurance & Energy Markets, Power Analytics |
Business & Technology Panel (Audio File) | MODERATOR Stephen Knapp Vice President, Quality Assurance & Energy Markets, Power Analytics |
Energy ServicesInterface (ESI) Vision | Steve Widergren City Councilor, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory |
Business & Technology Panel:Valuing DER and Unbundled Services | Ron Bernstein CEO,Principal Engineer, RBCG Consulting |
Lebanon CommunityPower’s TransactiveEnergy MunicipalAggregation Pilot | Clifton Below PhD Student, City of Lebanon | Business & Technology PanelQuestions | Questions and Answer Session - Poll Questions | Business & Technology Panel Questions (Audio File) | Questions and Answer Session - Poll Questions |
This plenary session will review the latest developments and applications of crypto currency technologies for transactive energy including smart contracts, tokens, and the consensus algorithms. It will provide an overview of blockchain applicability and the power consumed by the proof of work algorithm, as well as privacy and encryption concerns. Panelists will share their assessment of blockchain, including how they view its applicability for microtransactions today.
The Power of Blockchain | |
Introduction toBlockchain | MODERATORS Tony Giroti Founder and Chairman, Energy Blockchain Consortium |
Introduction to Blockchain (Audio File) | MODERATORS Tony Giroti Founder and Chairman, Energy Blockchain Consortium |
Due Diligence ofBlockchain-Based TE Solutions | Richard Shandross Associate Director, Energy Practice, Navigant |
Blockchain Smart Grid Contracts | Raymond Kaiser Director of Energy Management Systems, Amzur Technologies |
A reimagined energy marketplace | Scott Kessler Director of Business Development, LO3 Energy |