Call for Candidates: CLOSED
Status: | Closed |
Submission Deadline: | Extended to January 17, 2025 |
Nominee Confirmation: | Mid-February 2025 |
Annual Call for Candidates: | PDF 152KB |
Submission Guidelines: | PDF 242KB |
Candidacy Form: | MS Word 232KB |
Bylaws: | Revised July 2012, PDF 84KB |
Contact: | |
The GridWise Architecture Council currently seeks candidates for membership
The GWAC was formed as a team of industry leaders in 2004 by the U.S. Department of Energy, and continues to shape the guiding principles, or architecture, of a highly intelligent, interactive, and rapidly evolving electric system. The council is organized on the principle of balance and representation across multiple industry segments related to electric energy and the technology necessary to effectively manage it. Active participation in the Council offers a unique opportunity to shape the information, telecommunications and control architecture for the future electric system from generation to end-use. Topics of focus include interoperability, transactive energy, resilience, and grid architecture.
Members serve as individuals and not as representatives of any company, agency, or other organization. There is no limit to the number of two year terms that a member may serve. This year, at least one open seat will be filled by a new applicant. The GWAC maintains a broad perspective and enlists industry involvement to:
- Articulate the goals of its focus areas across the electric system
- Identify the concepts needed to make the realization of these goals possible
- Develop actionable steps to facilitate the interoperation of the systems, devices, and institutions that encompass the nation’s electric system.
- Strive to establish broad industry consensus around the path to these goals and the value they offer.
Council Background and Mission
Please familiarize yourself with the Call for Candidates reference material, and then consider whether you have the qualifications and desire to submit your candidacy or know other experts you can recommend.
Background materials on the GridWise Architecture Council are listed on the publications page and include:
- Grid-Wise® Interoperability Context-Setting Framework (v1.1)
- Decision-Maker's Interoperability Checklist (1.5)
- GridWise®Interoperability Constitution
- Interoperability Path Forward Whitepaper
- GridWise Architecture Council Bylaws
- The GridWise® Architecture Council Mission and Structure
- Interoperability Maturity Model (IMM)
- GridWise® Transactive Energy Framework
- GridWise® Transactive Energy Infographics
Further information describing the GridWise Architecture Council, current members, current activities, and meeting minutes is available on-line.
Submission Guidelines
Who should apply for Council membership?
We encourage submissions for any qualified, interested individual. Candidacy is not limited to specific companies or membership in any organization; however, the candidates for the open seats must be recognized for expertise in one or more of the areas listed in the desired attributes section above.
Key factors to be considered in selecting nominees for the GWAC include:
- Visionary Capability: Members are expected be capable of understanding and contributing to the multi-disciplinary aspects of the Architecture Council mission. They should demonstrate a history of innovation. Some may exercise such vision in competitive or entrepreneurial ways.
- Team Effectiveness: Members are expected to work effectively within the scope of the Architecture Council and within its organizational environment as a team.
- Credibility and Outreach: Members should be deemed credible by GridWise stakeholders as a whole and able to relay and leverage GridWise Architecture Council messages through the stakeholder community, contributing to underlying consensus building goals of GridWise.
- Recognition: Members are expected to be recognized experts in their technical fields of endeavor.
Council members are expected to invest significant effort in setting the architectural direction and reference framework. This means that investigation and presentation of concepts and results are natural components of this work. A serious commitment to attend meetings and review relevant material is required. Members filling open seats will be expected to contribute 5% and up to 20% of their time (approximately four meetings per year with a similar number of web-conferences). To mitigate the demand on council member's time and broaden input from other areas of expertise, dynamic work groups or task forces composed of outside resources may be formed and drawn upon at the discretion of the Architecture Council to support these efforts.
Submission Requirements
While compiling the elements needed for a complete candidate submission, we encourage potential candidates to initially indicate their intent to submit as soon as possible through a simple email to including candidate's name, title, company, and a resume if available.
A complete submission should include:
- Candidate's letter of motivation
- Candidate's complete resume that includes or is supplemented with professional details covering publications, awards, recognitions, memberships in organizations, elected positions, etc.
- Completed GridWise Architecture Council Candidacy Form
- Letter of support from candidate's affiliate organization
Resumes or additional professional information should provide details on the range of experience and skills that may be related to GridWise® and Architecture Council needs.
Submissions may be sent by email to the GridWise Architecture Council Coordinators:
- By e-mail:
Selection Process Time Frame
The GridWise Architecture Council coordinators will accept submissions from candidates through January 17, 2025. GWAC coordinators will verify that the information is complete and will contact candidates to confirm their submission. Nominee confirmation date is set for Mid-February 2024. If any changes are expected, candidates will be informed.